Course outline for Yeoman
Pre-requisites for learning Yeoman
- The participants must be comfortable with programming in any one language.
- Participants must have a basic understanding of scaffolding.
Lab Setup
Hardware Configuration
Participants must have access to a system with the following hardware configuration
- 2GB of free RAM, 20GB of free disk space and full network connectivity
Software Configuration
- Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 Desktop Edition (sudo/root access required)
- Firefox and Chrome browsers
- 2-3 Days
Training Mode
Online training for Yeoman
We provide:
- Instructor led live training
- Self-paced learning with access to expert coaches
- 24x7 access to cloud labs with end to end working examples
All jnaapti sessions are 100% hands-on. All our instructors are engineers by heart. Activities are derived from real-life problems faced by our expert faculty. Self-paced hands-on sessions are delivered via Virtual Coach.
Classroom training for Yeoman
Classroom sessions are conducted in client locations in:
- Bengaluru
- Chennai
- Hyderabad
- Mumbai
- Delhi/Gurgaon/NCR
Note: Classroom training is for corporate clients only
Detailed Course Outline for Yeoman
Using a Yeoman Generator
- Set up the dev environment
- Install a Yeoman generator
- Use a generator to scaffold out an app
- Understanding the Yeoman generated app directory structure
- Previewing the app on the browser
- Testing the app with Karma and Jasmine
- Getting ready for production
Writing your own Generator
- Setting up as node modules
- Understanding the Folder tree
- Extending Generators
- Overwriting the constructor
- Adding your own functionality
- Running the generator
Generator Runtime context
- Prototype methods as actions
- Understanding the run loop
- Asynchronous tasks
Interacting with the User
- Prompts
- Remembering user preferences
- Arguments
- Options
- Outputting Information
- Using the API
- dependencies or peerDependencies
Managing Dependencies
- Using npm
- Using Yarn
- Using Bower
- Using a combination of tools
Working with the File System
- Destination context
- Template context
- Using In-memory file system
- File utilities
- Transform output files through streams
Managing Configuration
- Understanding the different generator methods
- Understanding the .yo-rc.json structure
Testing Generators
- Organizing your tests
- Using Test helpers
- Using Assertions helpers
- i18n best practices
Integrating Yeoman
- The basics
- Using yeoman-environment
- Finding installed generators
- Getting data about registered generator